カナダ出身のスケートボーダー、ベン・オレイニク(Ben Oleynik)によって設立された、NYを拠点とするスケートブランドのグランド コレクション(GRAND COLLECTION)。不定期でリリースされるスケートボードの映像作品はもちろんのこと、世界各国のスケーターたちから支持を得るクリーンでスタイリッシュなグラフィックに加え、全てオリジナルで生産される高品質なアパレルラインは、ここ日本でも高い注目を獲得している。昨年10月には、ブランド初となるジャパンツアーを敢行した同ブランドのディレクターであるベンに、国内メディアとしては単独となるインタビューを敢行。これからのスケートシーンを担っていくであろう彼らの知られざる存在について、バイリンガル形式でお届けする。



ーWhere’d you grow up?

Ben:Wawa, Ontario, Canada.



ーCan you describe what it was like? What did you do there?

Ben:It’s a typical small town. 3,000 people and one stoplight. There was no skate shop, no art gallery, no museum, or anything like that. But it had amazing people. You needed to find things to do with your time or it was easy to get into trouble. I played in a punk rock band and skated every day. I loved growing up there.



ーHow’d you get into skateboarding?

Ben:Over 20 years ago I saw someone skate by my house in Wawa and ollie up a curb. That was it. It just looked like the coolest shit ever. I skated every day after that. Watched every video I could get my hands on. I bought every skate magazine the day they arrived at the corner store.



ーWhat kind of skater was Ben originally?

Ben:I always loved skating ledges and flat-ground and just being out in the city with my friends. I’d go skate downtown every night.

ーそれからグランド コレクションのブランドをスタートさせたきっかけは?


ーHow did you start the GRAND COLLECTION brand?

Ben:We started Grand in late 2016. We started with four caps that I made in New York and a video called Naomi. It wasn’t until early 2018 that we really started to make our own cut and sew clothing, going on trips and trying to have consistent drops.

Ben:ブランドを始めたきっかけは、僕の好きな人たちと一緒になにかひとつのことに関わることができたらと思っていたんだよ。例えば、みんなで一緒に旅へ出かけたり、一緒にビデオを作ったり、一緒に服を作ったりね。それからスケートボードを通してグランド コレクションのためになる、情熱的なプロジェクトを始動することにした。僕にはたくさんの友達がいて、その友達を愛しているし、尊敬もしている。そしてなにより彼らには才能があるんだ。そうした想いがなければ、今のグランド コレクションは存在しなかっただろうね。
Ben:I wanted to start something where all my favorite people could be involved in one thing. I wanted to start something where we could all go on trips together, make videos together, make clothes together and only do projects (for GRAND COLLECTION) that we are passionate about. I have so many friends that I love and respect and are so talented. GRAND COLLECTION wouldn’t exist if it wasn’t for them.





ーHow’d the team get together?

Ben:It’s family. Everyone on the team, the filmers, the photographers, the people that help me with graphics, the people that run the warehouse: they are all very close friends of mine that I knew before I started Grand. Some of the people involved with Grand I’ve been friends with for over 15 years.



ーCan you introduce each member who took part in the tour this time?

Ben:Wade DesArmo, Spencer Hamilton, Nick “BuggyTalls” Ferro, Dana Ericson, Connor Champion, JP Blair (filmer), Colin Sussingham (photographer)

Ben Oleynik

Wade DesArmo

Spencer Hamilton

Connor Champion



Brian Reid



ーWhere did you learn the basics and know-how of making clothes?

Ben:My wife Marianne. She is an incredible designer that has worked for Ralph Lauren, Burberry, Starter, Umbro. She taught me all the basics. Whenever I have an idea for something, no matter what it is, she always helps me figure out how to get it done. I am so lucky to have her help.



ーDo you have any particular commitment to making clothes?

Ben:It’s not really complicated. I just try to make clothing that me and the team want to wear. The right fit, feel, color, fabric. High quality things that will last. I think if we are all hyped on the product and want to wear it every day, we’re going in the right direction.



ーCan you tell us a little bit about this upcoming collection?

Ben:There are a lot of pieces that we’re excited about. We reworked one of our favorites: a 100% cotton, heavy weight hoodie with the large Grand goose embroidery on it. We reworked our classic caps and nylon pants, which are both made in New York. We’ve also got a number of new cut and sew pieces coming out that everyone on the team is really hyped about, so that makes me happy. I don’t really want to say too much about the collection until it comes out, but it will be out soon.


Ben:僕らのホームショップでもあるNYの「レイバースケートショップ」やLAにある「ヒューミデティ スケートショップ」、あとはもう閉店しちゃったけど、NYで一番好きだった本屋さんの「アラウンド ザ ワールド」ともコラボレーションしたね。ただ、話題性だけのバズを起こすために仕掛けたことではなく、これらの取り組みはすべて友達だったことが発端となり、自然に起こったことなんだよ。だからコラボレーションすることに確かな意味があった。

ーIn the past, have you done any collaborations or limited release products?

Ben:We’ve collaborated with Labor skate shop, Humidity skate shop, Around The World, which was my favorite magazine shop in New York, but it’s gone now. These are all friends of mine, so it just happened naturally.

ーいま世界中に沢山のスケートブランドが存在しているけど、グランド コレクションならではの特徴はなんだと思う?

Ben:過去12年間ほどNYに住んでいたけど、僕は元々カナダの小さな町の出身。グランド コレクションに所属するメンバーのほとんどがそう。彼らはニューヨークに住んでいるか、カナダ出身のどちらかなんだ。そうしたバックグラウンドが、ブランドにとって独特の視点になっているのだ思うよ。さらに僕らの服にも違いを感じることができるはずだ。「5thアベニュー」のTシャツや「We Love Our Customers」のロングスリーブシャツなど、NYからのインスパイアアイテムも多い。あるいはカナダグースのスウェットシャツのように、僕自身のホームタウンの影響を強く受けているアイテムもあるんだ。僕たちはできる限り最高品質のプロダクトを作りたいから、NYやカナダを中心に世界中にある上質な工場とタッグを組んでいるんだよ。

ーThere are many skate brands out there, what sets GRAND COLLECTION apart?

Ben:I’ve lived in New York for the past 12 years, but I’m from a small town in Canada. Same as a lot of the guys involved with GRAND COLLECTION they either live in New York or are from Canada. I think mixing those different experiences makes for a unique point of view for GRAND COLLECTION.You can see it in the clothes we make. Some are heavily influenced by New York, like our 5th Avenue tee or the “We Love Our Customers” long sleeve. Other pieces are heavily influenced by my hometown, like our massive Canada goose sweatshirts.We also try to make the best quality product we can. We work with the best factories in New York, Canada and worldwide. You can feel the difference.



ーIn Japan, there is a high level of attention to videos, but what are you particular about in your production?

Ben:We just show the skating that we like to do, in a way that we like to watch it.


Ben:これまでのところはスケートボードの動画のみだね。フィルマーのJPブレアと僕で手がけたものがほとんど。私は彼の才能をとても評価していて、同時にリスペクトしている、彼の作品が大好きなんだ。彼が映像の制作を通してグランド コレクションと関わってくれていることに感謝しているよ。

ーWhat kind of videos have you released in the past?

Ben:Only skateboarding videos so far. JP Blair and I put them together. I have so much respect for JP and love his work. I’m so grateful he is involved with Grand.



ーAre there any skate brands, videos, or skaters that have influenced you or that you’re interested in?

Ben:Travis Stenger.



ーHow exciting is the skate scene in Canada and New York?

Ben:I love skating in both places. Canada has an amazing skate community. Montreal is one of my favorite cities to skate and visit. You have to go in the summer. Great people, sick spots, it’s not an expensive city, Dime is there. I love it. And New York is forever the best city in the world to skate in. It just looks and feels the best. There is no feeling like skating through the streets of New York at night.



ーDo you have any other hobbies outside of skateboarding?

Ben:I’ve played guitar and drums since I was in grade 7. I’m always shooting photos too.



ーSo that’s it. You like traveling, right? Where are some places you’ve loved?

Ben:Japan, China, Korea, Mexico, Spain, UK, France, Germany, Sweden, Belgium, Italy, Netherlands, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Australia. I love to travel as much as I can and have been really fortunate. I try to travel as much as possible. I love Tokyo. It’s my favorite city, along with New York. This trip has been amazing because I also got to visit Yokohama, Tamana, Kumamoto, Fukuoka and Kyoto.

ー日本にはこれまで何回来たことがあるの? それと日本のなにがそこまで気に入ったのかな?


ーHow many times have you been in Japan? What do you like about it?

Ben:Three times. There are so many things I love about Japan: the history, the architecture, the food, the shops, the style. I love just exploring and skating the streets there. But the thing I love most is the people and the friends I’ve made in Japan. They are the best and I can’t wait to come back and visit them.

ー今回の日本ツアーでグランド コレクションを迎えてくれた日本のスケーターたちの印象は?

Ben:彼らはみんな僕の友人であり、僕が深く尊敬する人々。特に用松(PROV バイヤー)はいつもぶっ飛んでいたね(笑)。彼がNYに来るときはいつも一緒に遊んでいたし、逆に僕が東京に行く時は一緒にスケートをしているよ。僕らがブランドをスタートした時、彼が真っ先に僕へ連絡をくれたことがきっかけで、〈グランド コレクション〉のアイテムを販売する日本で最初の店になった。感謝しているよ。そしてURU(KUKUNOCHI 主宰)は僕にとっての伝説のスケートボーダー。彼を僕たちのディストリビューターとして迎えてくれて、何本かのビデオ作品も撮影してくれた恩人。とても感謝しているよ。彼は僕たちをいつも温かくサポートしてくれて、常に日本のスケートシーンの動向を把握している。今回のジャパンツアーで来日する際も飛行機やホテルの手配をサポートしてくれた。僕らのようなまだまだ小さいスケートボードのチームに対しても親身になって接してくれるんだ。なかなかできないことだよね。最後に日本でのメディア露出や東京のアテンドはもちろん、この記事のサポートもしてくれたはTSUMI(Hellrazor ディレクター)はギャングスタだね(笑)。っていうのは冗談で、僕は彼が運営するショップのWAVEY STOREと彼がデザインするHellrazorの服が大好きなんだ。彼はとても才能のある人物。NYと東京、それぞれの街で彼に会うといつも刺激をもらえる。そんな存在だね。僕らの活動に対するすべてのサポート、感謝しているよ。

ーWhat are your impressions of Japanese skaters who supported you on this Japan tour?

Ben:They are all my friends and people I deeply respect.Mochimatsu has always been so sick. We always hang out when he comes to New York and we skate together when I come to Tokyo. He was the first shop in Japan to reach out to me and carry Grand when we started. Much respect.Uru is a legend. He rips, he makes videos, he runs a successful company. We are really hyped to have him as our distributor. He supports us and knows what’s up. Thank you very much to Uru for helping us come to Japan in October and taking such good care of us. Tsumi is a G. I love his shop Wavey and his clothing designs. He is very talented. It is always sick to see him in New York and Tokyo. Much respect to him for all the things he has going on and his support of Grand. He helped to set up this interview and other ones too.

ー少し時間が経過しちゃったけど、今回の日本ツアーを振り返えってみると、日本はちょうどハロウィンの時期だったよね。グランド コレクション以外にも海外から沢山のスケーターが集まってきていて、東京の街は例年以上にカオスだった。そんな特別な時期に来日して印象的だった出来事があれば、教えてよ。


ーLooking back on this Japan tour, it happened to be Halloween time. Other skaters from New York were here, the GRAND COLLECTION screening happened, there might of been chaos in the streets when you hung out. Can you tell me some of the things that might have been impressive in Japan during this time?

Ben:The hospitality. The people here always welcome us and make sure we get to skate the best spots, eat the best food, and really get to see and experience the city. I never sleep when I’m in Japan! Also, the skaters in Japan are so creative and unique. It’s really hard to skate there, so that makes the footage that comes out of the cities that much more special. You know it wasn’t easy to get.

Ben:Also, the skaters here are so creative and unique. It’s really hard to skate in Tokyo, so that makes the footage that comes out of the city that much more special. You know it wasn’t easy to get.



ーIf you have any advice for young Japanese skaters to start a skate brand in the future, please let us know.

Ben:Start small and focus on what you love. No one is exactly like you, so base your brand on your own passions and it will stand out. Everything takes longer than you think, so be patience and keep going.



ーFinally, please give us a message to the youth who like skaters and fashion, including Japanese GRAND COLLECTION fans.

Ben:I love Japan so much. Thank you for another amazing trip. We will be back soon.